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4 Types Of Pool Algae & What To Do About Them

Aug / 07 15

4 Types Of Pool Algae & What To Do About Them

Posted by downunderpool In Category : Algae,Pool CareIn tag : algae,algae prevention,Algaecide,Arizona,black algae,Down Under Pool Care,Green algae,mustard algae,Pink algae,Swimming pool,yellow algae

pool stainsIf you’re a pool owner in Arizona, you’re likely familiar with algae. Not only are pool algae a slimy, disgusting eyesore; they can also lead to dangerous breeding grounds for bacteria that can harm you and your family.

Pool algae can definitely be frustrating. Blooms seem to practically appear overnight. One night you’re enjoying your sparkling clear water; then next morning you spot a patch of the green stuff.

The truth is, algae spores are constantly entering your Arizona pool; but with proper pool care and maintenance it’s unlikely that you’ll ever develop a serious algae problem.

If it’s been awhile since you’ve had your pool professionally serviced, and conditions are right, you may be left with a serious algae problem. In dealing with a serious algae problem, it’s important to determine exactly what type of algae you are dealing with.

Here are four different types of swimming pool algae, and what you can do to eliminate them:

green pool1. Green Algae

If your Arizona pool appears to resemble a swamp; as apposed to the crystal clear pool you’re used to, you likely have a green algae problem. I say this because green algae happen to be the most common, and are the first to appear. If your pool is not properly filtered and accurately treated with the correct chemicals, you’ll begin to see green algae.

Once your pool water becomes the slightest bit cloudy, you’ll begin to see green algae show up in spots. Patches of green slime will adhere to the pool walls, and sheets may even start to float across the surface of your pool.

2. Pink Algae 

At first glance, pink algae may appear to be rust on your pool ladders, lights, and baskets. Those pink or red clusters may in fact be algae. Technically pink algae are not algae at all, but a result of rapidly growing bacteria. We distinguish these rapidly growing colonies as algae because they are chemically treated the same way.

Pink algae are common on the bottom of your pool; and wherever they can get away from the sun. They get their reddish-pink color from their cell pigments, and are covered with a protective slime that makes them very difficult to kill. Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your pool free of pink algae.

Pool_Algae_Walls3. Mustard Or Yellow Algae 

Although mustard algae is rare here in Arizona, that doesn’t mean that blooms cannot find their way into your pool. Mustard algae like to fix themselves to the sides and bottom of your pool, particularly in the shady spots; and will even grow outside your pool water. They have more of a golden hue to them, and almost look like dirt or sand in your pool. Also, these algae don’t look or feel slimy like other algae types. Mustard algae are very stubborn and are resistant to chlorine. If you happen to spot what you believe to be mustard algae, it’s critical that you act quickly!

algae cleaning4. Black Algae 

If you are seeing algae in your pool, you better hope it isn’t black algae. It’s the most challenging algae to get rid of. There are a couple reasons for this. First, black algae have defensive layers that protect the spore heads. These layers protect the algae from the algaecide chemicals that are typically used for treatment. Additionally, black algae have extra strong roots, which adhere deep into your pool’s tile and grout.

Black algae start off as tiny black or dark blue spots, and grow from there. Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your pool from them. If you do happen upon a black algae problem in your pool, it’s critical that you leave treatment up to a highly trained pool service professional.

Algae Prevention

The best way to keep your Arizona pool free from algae is with proper and consistent preventative measures. Algae spores naturally float in the air. Inevitably they will make their way into your pool. To prevent the spores from eventually blooming, you need your pool properly treated with chemicals. Additionally; keeping your pool clean and its walls regularly brushed, will make it more challenging for algae to take hold and grow. Lastly, make sure your filters are regularly cleaned, as they are a fundamental defense in capturing pool algae. Taking these steps will go a long way to keep your pool algae free.

Down Under Pool Care For Algae Problems

pool cleaningIf you do happen to get algae in your pool, don’t think that you have failed as a pool pool owner. Algae problems can be common, and most pool owners will experience problems from time to time. Let Down Under Pool Care assist with the above mentioned preventative steps to prevent pool algae problems.

If your Arizona pool does happen to develop an algae problem, it’s best to leave treatment to a licensed pool professional that has years of experience in treating algae problems. Whether you’re dealing with green, pink, mustard, or black algae; Down Under Pool Care is one such pool care company that will take care of your algae problems.

A Down Under Pool Care technician will inspect your pool for suspicious growths or discolorations on the pool walls or floor. Upon determining the type and severity of algae you’re dealing with; our pool servicemen will recommend a plan of action to eliminate algae growths. Likely actions include: chemical treatments, adding an algae-specific algaecide, vacuuming and brushing the pool walls and floor, and cleaning out the filters. In extreme cases of algae (typically black algae), it may require a pool drain and acid wash service to ensure that the algae has been correctly and completely killed off.

Keep Your Pool Algae Free!
Call Down Under Pool Care Today!
(480) 671-1184


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